Whistler Market Report
1st Quarter 2018
Real estate in Whistler is off to another active year so far with 1st quarter 2018 resulting in price increases across all sectors and just shy of $300 million sold. Total transactions decreased by 11% compared to 2017, however this was offset by a 25% increase in the average transaction price (currently $1,309,351 compared to $1,050,930 same period 2017). Total volume for this period was $282,993,800 versus $258,584,988 first quarter 2017 for a net increase of 9%.
The chalet market declined in both total volume and units as a result of decreased properties available for sale. 31 chalets changed hands in the first quarter of 2018 versus 40 in same period 2017. Those that did trade realized an average price of $3,253,419 versus $2,572,613 for an average increase of 26% due to buyer demand. Chalet sales represent only 15% of the total trades but because of the higher price point represent 37% of total market value transacted.
The townhouse category continues to have the highest level of activity realizing same total transactions as same period last year, 68 in total representing 39% of total market share. As the strong buyer demand for family sized properties continues, both volume and average price sold was up a whopping 43%. Average price this year was $1,587,991 versus $1,109,119 same period last year. Average per square foot jumped 31% versus same period 2017.
The condo category kept pace with same period last year of 50 sold units, representing 23% of total transactions and 7% of the total market value. Average values increased by 28% versus same period last year. Strong buyer interest in this category continues to push values higher and reduce the number of units available for sale.
The shared ownership category declined by 19% but realized an average price increase of 52% versus same period last year. This category represents only 12% of the total units traded and only 2% of the total market value.
If you have questions, or would just like to chat about the current market, please call or email me any time.
*WLS “completed” data, Jan 1~Mar. 31, 2017 vs. same period 2018
This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. All sales data is from the Whistler Listing System. E&OE